Saturday, February 3, 2018

Episode 54: Duck Tales! woo hoo!

Episode 54: Duck Tales! woo hoo!
Produced by Relevant to Our Interests
Scripting by Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Edited by: Frank Shaw
Graphic Design by: Nathan Newell
Intro Music: Morning Activities by F.G. Shaw
Outro Music: Morning Activities by F.G. Shaw

So the conversation is all about the new Duck Tales this episode. I didn't know much going into it, other than it existed. I watched it (thanks to John) over the weekend of my birthday, and had an enjoyable time viewing it with my lady.

It's enjoyable, and if you have any nostalgia for the original there's a very real chance you might enjoy it. There's also a very real chance you may have a few of the same criticisms we did (Launch Pad, we're looking at you here). 

One big note I want to make is thanks to listener meg-elizabeth who gave us a little bit of the background on Tony Anselmo becoming Donald Duck. John has some heavy criticisms for Donald, and meg-elizabeth shared links than Mr. Anselmo did with Leonard Maltin detailing how he ended up becoming the voice of Donald after the original voice-actor, Clarence Nash, passed away. It's a sweet interview and if you have any interest in Disney, film history, or voice actors it's worth a watch. I'd like to thank meg-elizabeth for the conversation in the comments on the Soundcloud site, which you can click on the speech bubble on the track above to see. 

Part 1.

And of course Part 2:

We don't dislike Mr. Anselmo, John just dislikes the voice of Donald Duck. We actually talk about it more in the episode that follows this one. But until then listen to the catchiest t.v. theme song ever written put to the video of All the Single Ladies by Beyonce!

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