Thursday, March 9, 2017

Notes: Episode 30: Dr Strange.

Episode 30: Dr. Strange
Hosts: Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Produced by Hobos in the Back Row
Scripting by Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Edited by: Frank Shaw
Graphic Design by: Nathan Newell
Intro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 1 by F.G. Shaw
Outro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 3 by F.G. Shaw

Better late then never!

John and I got sidetracked heavily with the holidays and the post holidays and the long hard winter here in Utah. Ok, no excuses. But now that we're getting into gear again we will get back into the schedule of having these out about a week after each episode.

From this episode not a lot.

I (Frank) talk about the unfortunate young man who fell into a hot springs in Yellowstone. Here's an article from the Washington Post on it. Here's one from CNN. They both have essentially the same information. There isn't a lot to update on this. It's terrible for his family and loved ones.

John talks about why online dating sucks. I'm not going to link to online dating sites, you can find them if you're looking for them quite easily. I think John had some fantastic points about it.

He also discussed Transformers Prime, which we will be featuring on the podcast at some point in the near future.

He also talks about his love of Terraria. Check it out here on Steam or here on GOG.

And finally, before we dicuss the meat of the episode, John gives out the life hack about dry erase markers ability to remove sharpie from white boards.

We discuss Dr. Strange. It's available now on Bluray and to stream. There's not a lot more to say about it other than it's definitely worth a watch. Especially if you like Marvel films. It's almost required viewing. Here's the IMDB page.

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