Monday, March 27, 2017

Episode 32: Gravity Falls

Episode 32: Gravity Falls
Hosts: Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Produced by Hobos in the Back Row
Scripting by Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Edited by: Frank Shaw
Graphic Design by: Nathan Newell
Intro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 1 by F.G. Shaw
Outro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 3 by F.G. Shaw

We finally come back from our long hiatus to talk about one of our favorite TV shows (and cartoons) Gravity Falls. We both love this show, it has layers that are mind boggling when you take in repeated viewings and if you are a lover of cartoons, or really well plotted television this show has it in spades. It doesn't seem particularly sophisticated at first blush, which is one of the reasons it's so easily dismissed, but as you can tell by our long and enthusiastic conversation it has a lot going on. There's a lot to talk about themes and philosophy behind the show as well, Frank took the time to read through Gravity Falls TV Tropes, where it touches on some of these ideas (and reveals a lot of stuff you may have missed). 

On what's interesting Frank talks about the recent discovery of 7 planets found around the dwarf star Trappist-1. I find anything like this exciting news. Here's hoping this trend of discovery continues in the the next few years. 

Frank also talks JRPG, for the uninitiated that's Japanese Role Playing Game it's one of two popular genre's of RPG that are found on consoles/computers. In this case he discusses the Atelier franchise, a series of games in which you play an alchemist striving to be the best damn alchemist ever. That's really it, though there are different plots that premise is woven into through each game. There have been 18 main series games created for the franchise, most are not related (though a few are). The games are light and charming, and if you're a fan of JRPG's they are worth checking out. 

John discusses the Humble Bundle, which is a pay what you want program will let you get games, digital books and comics, and software on the cheap. They have deals monthly, weekly and bi-weekly and also offer a subscription service. If you're inclined to like any of those three things jumping in and grabbing a Humble Bundle (or subscribing to it's service) is a great way to get lots of digital stuff. 

John discusses his occult books some more. He recently purchased a book of old Icelandic spells and the trend continues. There will be more in future episodes. 

John then discusses Psychonauts 2. Which is happening, and he can be more excited for. Here a page where they keep things updated on the project. 

Finally, John talks about The Illuminatus Trilogy, a book series a mutal friend of ours has been after him to read for quite some time. I can talk about it much as I haven't read it, but John says its.... weird.

Finally, John's Bad Advice! A new feature in every podcast. If you have a question for John's Bad Advice email us at or shoot us a message at our page on Facebook  or shoot Frank a message on twitter @lojakz. 
We'll feature your question on the show and give you a little shout out!

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