Monday, December 7, 2015

Episode 14: John Hates What You Love, A Nightmare Before Christmas

Episode 14: John Hates What You Love, The Nightmare Before Christmas
Hosts: Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Produced by Hobos in the Back Row
Scripting by Frank Shaw and John Belliston
Edited by: Frank Shaw
Intro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 1 by F.G. Shaw
Outro Music: Piano Sonata mvnt 3 by F.G. Shaw

Even when he likes a movie John is happy to ruin it for everybody else. John and I discuss the film A Nightmare Before Christmas: We talk about what kind of film it actually is (Christmas or Halloween), what some problems of the movie are, and some crazy fan theories. Hopefully it'll make you rethink the way you watch this movie.

Not a lot of notes this episode:

Here's a link to an article discussing Harry Selick firmly stating his opinion about what sort of film the movie is.

Here's a Mental Floss list detailing things you might not know about the film, unless you've read a lot of stuff about it online, watched the commentary to the movie or listened to our podcast (or any other podcast) on the movie. Still, a fun list.
(*Editor's Note: John and Frank don't actually touch on most of the items on this list.)

Finally! Here's Tim Burton's original poem.

As an added bonus here's Korn singing Kidnap the Sandy Claws.

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